HiFive's Passin Time

May 27, 2009 – July 15, 2021

Hifive’s Passin Time, known as “Country” was owned by Ron and Deb Levitan of Milford Michigan. Country was purchased by Deb for Ron as a Father’s Day gift that was enjoyed for more than 12 years. Country was a product of Sugarknoll Buckshot x Hi Five Pepper Ann. Country was purchased from Bruce and Jen Minard of Hi Five Kennels.

Bruce started the development of Country and had her competing early. Country was exposed to all kinds of game birds, Quail, Pheasant, Sharp-tail Grouse, Ruffed Grouse and Woodcock. Country’s first placement was a 2nd place Derby in the NBHA Northern Plains Shooting Dog Classic hosted by the Twelve O’clock Field Trial Club, where 25 Derbies were competing. From there Country competed in Cover Dog, US Complete, and NBHA stakes throughout her career. As Bruce was transitioning to the Horseback circuit, Ron had acquired Garry Malzone to take over the handling duties for Country in the walking stakes.

After Garry started to work with Country, he reported back to Ron saying “we have a special girl”. Country’s first Championship title trial was the Western Regional in 2015 where she was named the Runner-up Champion. Country went on to place in the NBHA Open Championship three years in a row winning the Championship in 2016 and receiving Runner-up champion in 2017 and 2018. Country won the NBHA National Free-For-All Championship and the NBHA Western Regional in 2018. Ron’s most special memory of Country was riding at the Ames Plantation during the 2017 NBHA National Open Championship where Country was named the Runner-up Champion.

Country had acquired eleven Championship titles with six or them recognized by the NBHA. Five of the six were in different states and all of them were on different grounds. It could be noted the Hifive’s Passin Time had competed from the pinewoods to the prairies and was a winner throughout her career. Record for HIFIVE’S PASSIN TIME is 26-4-7.

Elected to the NBHA Hall Of Fame 2022
