CH Sebrof's Alpha Chief

Sebrof's Alpha Chief 5/24/1985 - April/ 1996
Sebrof's Alpha Chief, "Bud" was bred, owned, and handled exclusively by Billy K. Forbes of LaPlata, Mo. Bud is out of Ch. Miller's Chief and Sebrof Betsy Sue. Forbes had professional Dick Williams of Chillicothe, Mo to finish Bud on his game, steady to wing, shot, and kill. With this finishing touch Bud became a very strong and winning competitor in NBHA trials.
Sebrof's Alpha Chief won two NBHA National Championships, the first was 1989 National Amateur Championship and in 1992 Bud won the NBHA National Open Invitational Championship. Bud was also the winner of the Region 8 Amateur Walking Shooting Dog Championship and the Region 17 Amateur Walking Shooting Dog Championship, both in 1990. Sebrof's Alpha Chief was the NBHA Amateur Shooting Dog of the Year winner for the 1988-89 trial season.
Sebrof's Alpha Chief had 59 placements with 52 of them in NBHA trials. Bud's offspring produced 15 winners who had a total of 63 wins. His blue hen daughter Easyflow Chief's Clorox not only was she a winner in NBHA trials, "Clorox" was the key link in passing on the traits of Sebrof's Alpha Chief. Through her the family tree continued down four generations with NBHA winners in each. Sebrof's Alpha Chief can be found two times in the pedigree of Ch. Easy Attitude Buddy winner of the NBHA Midwest Regional Championship in 2012.
Elected to the NBHA Hall of Fame 2017