John Everett

John Everett of Dalzell, South Carolina became active and supportive of the NBHA when the organization first started running trials in South Carolina in the early 1980's. John leadership has been seen at every level as he was the NBHA National President for three years, and National 1st Vice President for nine years. He has served as South Carolina's State Director and has received the NBHA State Directors award on five different occasions. John has served as South Carolina Bird Hunters State President for 17 years, and has served as President for two different local clubs; Sumter II Bird Hunters and IB Parnell Bird Hunters Association.
John has served as a judge at all levels of the NBHA; National Invitational Championship, Regional Championships, State Classics, and weekend trials. John has won NBHA Dog of the Year awards at both the National level and in the South Carolina State organization. He has accumulated a total of more than 150 placements with three of his dogs Moehill's Storming Norm, Moehill's Rebel Sun, and John's Hystyle Katie. John received the NBHA Amateur Handler of the Year, for the 1997-1998 field trial season.
John has spent a large amount of his time supporting NBHA field trials in South Carolina. He has always been willing and never says no to chairing trials and hosting various NBHA national events. John's willingness to help is obvious when he has given puppies away to newcomers to help them get started. John has been truly dedicated to the field trial sport and to the NBHA organization.