Gearl Euliss

Gearl's love of bird dogs and quail hunting goes back to the early 1960's when his dad and uncle got him started in the sport. He worked his dogs into solid performers and became an avid walking bird hunter. In the early 1970's Gearl began to attend field trials and was on hand to handle his own amateur dogs when the NBHA began holding trials in 1982. In 1984 Gearl organized and brought into being the Springfield Missouri Bird Hunters Club and has served continuously as president of that body to present. Gearl became a stalwart NBHA supporter and served as Missouri Bird Hunters president for 5 years and has held the position of Missouri State Director for 10 years. Gearl was Co-Chairman of the first NBHA National Amateur Championship and the first NBHA National Free-For-All Championship.
Gearl's judging assignments have been frequent. In addition to weekend trials Gearl has judged State Classics, the North Central Regional Championship, the National Open Championship twice, as well as the National Open Puppy and Derby Stakes and the National Amateur Championship. Field Trial winners from the Euliss kennel handled by Gearl include Sampsonite, Missouri Bullet, Billy's Little Ben, Sir Matador Jack, Perfect Touch Mona, Shadow's Fiddlin Ike, and Honky Tonk Hussler.
On January 28, 2002 Gearl was struck down by a stroke. His amount of involvement has been limited since that time, but he still attends NBHA events regularly, including the National Open. Gearl and wife Betty are the proud parents of son Jamie, a field trailer, and daughter Cyndi.