Jewel Spurlock

Jewel Spurlock was President of the National Bird Hunters Association in 1990 and 1991; noted for his tireless, capable and unselfish labor; loyal service and friendship; dedication and exemplary service. His love for field trials and bird dogs began many years prior at Hot Springs, Arkansas in 1982 as he watched the performance of Permission Ridge Jake. In 1988,
"Fiddlers Willie" owned by Jewel and Bob Davis, handled by the latter won the National Amateur Walking Shooting Dog Championship and went on to be in the 4 dog callback at the 1990 National Championship.
In 1991 as the Arkansas Bird Hunters made their way to the Circle W Farms in Dancyville, Tennessee, the comment was made "here comes the Arkansas Beverly Hillbillies," as they were hauling dogs, horses, corrals, 4-wheelers with dog boxes mounted, bales of hay, tarps (it seems to always rain at least one day). Yes, they were prepared for a week of fun and adventure.
Jewel often comments that friendships made in the bird hunters field trial circuit run steadfast and deep. If a fellow needs help or just a little uplift give an old bird hunting field trailer a call, those memories are immeasurable.